Getting started with Eye10

Last update on 22-03-2022
Hello and welcome to Eye10! The intuitive new tool that brings SEO down to a level everyone can understand.
Whether you’re interested in refining your on-page, off-page, or technical SEO, you’ll find everything you need and more with Eye10.
We’re so glad you found us here at Eye10, and we can’t wait to show you what our tools can do for your website!

Choose your Eye10 package

We’ve kept things simple by offering you two packages, including our Professional package, which costs just $39/month, or our Enterprise package costing $99/month.
As well as giving you full access to our complete range of tools with whichever package you opt for, both Eye10 packages also come with the option of a yearly subscription saving you 15%.

Learn how to Use Eye10

Once you’ve chosen the right Eye10 subscription for your needs, you can instantly start working on your SEO strategy.

We encourage you to explore all of the features, including On-Page SEO, our version of an SEO audit tool. Our Competitor Research tool can also show how your website performs versus your competitors.

Don’t worry about using up your allowances if you’re just getting started, as we’ll refresh these for you every day, rather than once a month as you’ll find elsewhere!

If you’re not sure how to use any specific tools or properly grasp SEO, we’ve got you covered here too. On each page of our website, you’ll see a complete rundown of each tool's features and what this means for your SEO.

Plus, we’ve added a comprehensive list of questions that go into further details about certain terms and why they are important for getting your website to rank on search engines.

What if I need further help?

As always, if there’s anything we can help you with, we’re here to guide you. You can check our blogs for further updates, explanations, and industry advice.
Or you can send us a message at any time for help with Eye10 specifically or if you have a topic you’d like to suggest for our blog to explain a particular feature or subject in greater detail.
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Account access and billing

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Top 5 tools of Eye10

Discover our most popular SEO tools to advance your SEO strategy

Additional Eye10 tools

Want to learn even more about how to rank above your competitors? Eye10’s additional tools have got you covered.